Physical address:
​210 Hancock St.
Ithaca, New York.

a visit:

Bring the bus to you!

Looking for a fun and engaging science experience?  Schools, youth programs, community events – anywhere there are curious people, we’re happy to roll up in our bus and make people go “wow!” and “that’s amazing!”

With self-guided exploration of our two dozen exhibits on board the bus and additional physics demos outside, we can engage 24 – 40 participants at a time for an average visit of up to 45min per group. You can also opt for shorter 15 minute visits, or integrate the bus into a larger event with visitors coming and going at their own pace. Visits can be as short as mentioned above or as long as an 8hr day.

The Physics Bus is most often requested by schools, after-school programs, and camps that serve 3-5th graders, but everyone including toddlers, college students, teachers, and retirees love their experience aboard our spaceship-themed science-mobile. 

We try to accommodate any organization that requests us, and we are especially committed to reaching populations of kids who are underserved in science. Grant funding may exist to subsidize a visit. Let us know by email if you think your event may qualify.


Requests are currently being handled on an individual basis, keeping safety and travel guidelines in mind. Please send us an email to inquire about collaboration with the Physics Bus!